
Thank you for employing the high quality professionals that you do. We are most impressed by their efforts. David Bentley is knowledgeable about the product line, honest in his estimates and listened intently to our requests and requirements.

J. Taylor

Check out our blog to learn more about our HVAC services, indoor air quality, energy efficiency, and more. Get started with our team of HVAC experts today.

cozy home, family in fuzzy socks

Spend the holidays in a home that’s warm and safe this holiday season. A new heating system from Anchor Heating & Air Conditioning can even help you save on your monthly bills allowing you to start the new year on a high note!

cozy home, warm mugs by the fire

Winter is right around the corner. With the truly cold weather the Atlanta region has experienced over the past few winters, you need to prepare accordingly.

fall home, autumn house

At Anchor Heating & Air, we believe that focusing on heating system maintenance is just as important as paying attention to the health of our AC units during the summer months. Our technicians will go down a checklist to ensure that your heating system is prepared for winter.

hands holding heart and house, dream home

What measures have you taken lately to ensure you and your family live in a safe environment? Safety is a key component to creating a warm home where your family can thrive.


Is your air conditioning system struggling to keep all areas of your home evenly cooled? Well, you are not alone. It is a problem commonly seen during the hot, humid days of summer especially for multi-story homes. Use the following tips to help tackle the problem of uneven cooling in your home.

Water damage can also increase the risk of mold growth and be greatly detrimental to indoor air quality. In the case of minor damage, you may be able to handle it with the following tips

Guess what? It is still hot and humid and it is also still humid and hot. And we are not sure when it will stop being hot and humid or if you prefer, humid and hot. So let's talk about a common air conditioner problem you may be experiencing during these dog days of summer - short cycling. Cycling is a normal operational process for HVAC systems. Typically, your system should have 2-3 cooling cycles within an hour on a moderate summer day.

August is a month of transitions. Your household may be transitioning into a new school year, from summer to fall activities or from hot weather to milder temperatures - hopefully! Use this time of transition to mark a few of these items off of your home checklist

aprilaire model 2410 air purifier

Are you concerned about indoor air quality? Which solutions are you going to try first? If you have questions or concerns, call the experts at Anchor Heating & Air

hands holding heart and house, dream home

Are you concerned about the indoor air quality in your home or business? In today's world, we are spending more and more time indoors which means health risks due to indoor air pollution are on the rise. We know you want to keep your family and employees breathing the best, safest air possible, so we have some practical tips to help you do just that!
