Courtesy of Anchor Heating and Air Conditioning

As Douglasville continues to heat up, it is important to remember the dangers that the increasing temperatures can pose.  It is a misconception that only children and the elderly are at risk for a heat stroke.  While infants, toddlers, and the elderly have an increased risk for heat stroke, in this heat, everyone ( including your pets) is at risk.

We feel it is essential for West Georgia to be aware of the symptoms of heat stroke and how to avoid becoming a victim of this dangerous and possibly fatal condition.

Here are just a few tips on avoiding a heat stroke:

1. If you plan to exercise or engage in other overly exerting activities, try to do these in the early morning or evening when the temperatures are lower.
2. The most important thing is to stay hydrated.  Even when you don’t feel thirsty, you should be drinking water.  If you are exercising or involved in other high energy activity, you should be drinking 2 to 4 glasses of water per hour.  Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages can be dehydrating, especially in the heat, and should be avoided.
3. If you plan to be in the heat for an extended period of time, plan to take breaks in a cool, air conditioned area. 
4. Wear light colored and loose fitting clothing.  Black clothing will absorb the heat from the sun, raising your body temperature.
5. Be aware that some medications, such as blood pressure medications and antihistamines, may increase your risk for heat stroke.

Heat stroke can occur suddenly though, without any symptoms of heat exhaustion. If a person is experiencing symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, OBTAIN MEDICAL CARE IMMEDIATELY. Any delay could be fatal.

You should seek emergency medical care for anyone who has been in the heat and who has the following symptoms:

• Nausea and vomiting
• Fainting
• Muscle cramps
• Pale skin
• Profuse sweating
• Headache
• Dizziness or vertigo
• Fatigue
• Hot, flushed, dry skin
• Rapid heart rate
• Decreased sweating
• Shortness of breath
• Decreased urination
• Blood in urine or stool
• Increased body temperatures (104 to 106 degrees)
• Confusion, delirium, or loss of consciousness
• Convulsions

So keep an eye on yourself, your kids, and your pets this summer.  Don’t let this sweltering Georgia heat get the best of you.  For more information on how to stay cool this summer, give Anchor Heating and Air a call at (770) 942-2873.


(770) 942-2873

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