Knowing that you want to keep your family and employees breathing the best, safest air possible, we are on Part 2 of indoor air quality solutions. Last week, we talked about changing the air filter, vacuuming regularly, and proper ventilation. You can read that post here. Keep reading for more tips to clean up your air!
- Carbon Monoxide Alarms - Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas that is near impossible to identify without a proper detector. It can be caused by anything from clothes dryers, water heaters, and ovens to ranges, a fire-burning fireplace, or a car left running in a closed garage. The best defense against this very deadly toxin is a carbon monoxide alarm.
- Air Filtering House Plants - Plants can be a great air filter and are an inexpensive and green method of improving indoor air quality. The English ivy, aloe, spider plant, and snake plant are all very effective at cleaning your air. Find more examples here and research which plants are best suited for your home or business.
- Eliminate Mold - Leaks can lead to moisture, dampness and mold so be sure to check and fix any leaks around your home or business. The surest way to remove extra moisture is to use a dehumidifier. Make sure to keep the dehumidifier clean for the best indoor air quality results.
- Air Purifier - Under certain circumstances, proper indoor air quality balance can be tricky to attain. For additional protection, consider an air purification system. We offer several that you can read more about here.
Are you concerned about indoor air quality? Which solutions are you going to try first? If you have questions or concerns, call the experts at Anchor Heating & Air – 770-942-2873.