"If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath." ― Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

In the first part of this 2-part series, we defined Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and looked at a few surprising sources of indoor air pollution. In this second part of the series, we are going to discuss solutions that will help improve the IAQ in your home year-round.

  1. INTERIOR PAINT & NEW CARPETS: Try to use a low concentration of VOC-paints when painting your home to help reduce the pollution of the gasses emitted. Leave windows open and run fans while painting to help reduce the amount of fume build up. New carpeting, padding, and adhesive give off potentially harmful gases. Choose low-VOC carpet and ask that it be unrolled and aired out several days beforehand.
  2. CRAFT SUPPLY CHEMICALS: Use non-toxic craft supplies and make sure you have good ventilation when possible.
  3. CLEANING PRODUCTS: If problems surface, try cleaning with hot water, baking soda and less-toxic cleaning products.
  4. CIGARETTE SMOKE: If someone in your home is a smoker, the best solution is to have he or she smoke outside. However, third hand smoke lingers in clothes, cushions and carpets and can also be harmful to kids.
  5. GAS STOVES: Vent the stove with a fan that blows outside and make sure burners are adjusted correctly.
  6. HVAC SYSTEMS: Maintaining your HVAC systems on a regular basis is the best way to keep it working properly. Schedule annual inspections and change air filters a few times a year.
  7. OUTDOORS-RADON LEAKS: Seal any cracks or holes in your home’s foundation, walls and around pipes. Schedule a radon test with a professional or purchase a DIY kit.

Contact Anchor Heating & Air Co. today at (770) 942-2873 to schedule a consultation on ways to improve the indoor air quality in your home and keep you and your family healthy and safe this Fall!








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