post it note reminder to let faucets drip

Every time the temperatures drop, mom always says, "Don't forget to let your faucets drip!" Is your mother right about this frozen pipe prevention tip? Of course she is! Read on for an explanation of why she is correct and more tips to prevent potential house damage during these cold, winter nights:

  1. Let your faucets drip: How does this prevent frozen pipes? A slow drip will reduce pressure in the water system. This means that even if a pipe freezes, it will likely not rupture. The best faucet to leave dripping is the one that is the furthest away from the main pipeline that brings water into your house. This will allow more pipes to receive the benefit of the drip.
  2. Protect outdoor spigots: Disconnect all garden hoses from outside spigots. If possible, shut down the water supply for outside spigots and drain the remaining water. You can also place an insulated dome around each spigot for further protection.
  3. Insulate pipes: Be sure that all water supply lines in unheated areas are wrapped in insulation. Look for pipes needing extra insulation in the basement, crawl space, attic, garage and under cabinets.
  4. Garage/Cabinet doors: Leave garage doors closed to increase warmth for any water supply lines in the garage. Leave bathroom and kitchen cabinet doors open to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing.
  5. Thermostat: When outside temperatures are 20° or below, be mindful of turning your thermostat below 55°.

As the temperature continues to drop, practice these tips for frozen pipe prevention and the prevention of costly home repairs. Even a small burst pipe can lead to a major home repair.

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