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Thank you for the prompt and professional service. For the record! The unit that was replaced was a twenty-one (21) year old Trane heat pump originally installed by Anchor. It had performed flawlessly for all these years with only minimum maintenance.

J. Howell

Check out our blog to learn more about our HVAC services, indoor air quality, energy efficiency, and more. Get started with our team of HVAC experts today.

The last place you would want to experience discomfort is in your own home - especially with this harsh heat we’ve been experiencing. It should be a haven from the pains and irritations of the outside world, so pollutants should be the last thing you would want in your home.

Although saving money is a top priority for most families, many do not realize that proper care for their heating and cooling systems can wind up saving them a lot of
money – and their systems. Extending the life of your systems can be easy and

What many do not consider when purchasing a heating or cooling unit for their home is that their equipment will require maintenance. Waiting until a major malfunction occurs can be overly costly and may cause you to go a couple of days in discomfort in your living space.

We are smack dab in the middle of the one of the hottest summers ever – with that has come many calls from folks requesting assistance to increase the efficiency of their air conditioning system. When it is 90+ degrees outside, air conditioners have to work over-time.

Most people know that you must perform regular maintenance on regular air conditioning units, but tend to forget that window air conditioning units need attention as well.

If you want an air conditioning unit that works optimally and efficiently for your home, it is important to find one that is the proper size. Air conditioning units come in all different sizes and performance capabilities. A lot of folks think that the bigger the unit, the better.

Call Anchor today for more information about programmable thermostats.
